Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Fri, 7 Apr 1995 15:26:55 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
Hi Mike,
             My feelings regarding the Thermo purchase of VG are quite
negative I'm afraid. I think that it's very unlikely that a company would
maintain competing product lines (although I am aware that Thermo has done so
in the past, although they were relatively small divisions of the company). I
would be very surprised if all product lines remained intact, and that is
clearly bad news for users. I'm probably stating the obvious, a monopoly
would mean unchecked prices and little incentive to improve the product.
   From a personal perspective, I would hate to see any more people at VG
loose their jobs (there have been more than enough lay-offs there in the last
three years), I still have freinds working there. I feel that Thermo are
going to be less inclined to axe parts of Finnigan simply from the point of
view that they have invested a good amount of time and money already. I used
to work for Thermo before I worked for VG, they are quite an agressive
company. There have been a number of occasions where they have bought out a
competitor just to be able to close them down. Lets hope that the monopoly
laws deter that course of action.

  Best regards,