Dear all,
another source for RBS 50 "Konzentrat" in Europe is:
Carl Roth GmbH & Co.
Schoemperlenstrasse 1-5
76185 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0)721 56060
fax +49 (0)721 560649
RBS 50 is not cheap (the price for 1 kg (0.82 L) was about DM 80.- some time
ago) but it does a very good cleaning job.
>Dear all,
>in the last days discussion somebody mentioned RBS 50 as a cleaning solution
>for the tube. What's RBS 50? Where can I get it?
>Martin Lindenlaub
>Institute of Hydrology
>Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg / Germany
Bernhard Mayer
Lehrstuhl f. Sediment u. Isotopengeologie
Institut fuer Geologie
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Universitaetsstr. 150
44780 Bochum
Office: (49)-234-700-5458
Lab: (49)-234-700-5462
Secret.: (49)-234-700-3250
FaxNo: (49)-234-709-4571
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