Dr Berner
I hope to attend ICOG, but Aug 15 seems very early for an abstract. Is
this the final deadline? If so, are there guidlines for format and length?
with best wishes, John Valley
>From: NAME: Dr. Ulrich Berner
> FUNC: BGR Hannover <B121BERNER@A1@RZVAX>
>To: NAME: isogeochem discussion list
><smtp%"[log in to unmask]"@internet>
>Dear Colleagues:
>The Ninth International Conference on Geochronology (ICOG9), of which I am
>co-convenor, takes place in Beijing, China from August 20 - 26, 1998. Apart
>from other symposia and sessions, a symposium "Isotopes in Organic
>Systems" is planned that will include the following subtopics:
>a) Dating for Organic Systems
>b) Isotope Variation in Organic Systems
>c) Organics and Ore Deposits
>d) Abiogenic Petroleum and Gas
>As isotope geochemists you might be interested in these topics and I would like
>to warmly invite you to take part in the symposium and to submit an oral or
>poster contribution. I would be very grateful if you could send me a title and
>a short abstract by August 15, 1997 at the latest.
>We would be pleased to receive these in any form but it would be very helpful
>more preferable if you could either send them by e-mail in ASCII format to our
>secretary, whose e-mail address is: [log in to unmask] or alternatively by
>post with a disk, or of course by fax to our office (Fax: + 49-511-643-3664).
>Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to phone us (+ 49-511-
>643-2580) or the ICOG9 Secretariat, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,
>Baiwanzhuang Road 26, Beijin, 100037 China (phone: + 86-10-68311545
>or Fax: + 86-10-68311545).
>Professor Wang (convenor) and I will endeavour to put together an interesting
>symposium. The contributions will be selected on the basis of research quality
>and relevance to the programme content. We very much hope that you might be
>able to take part.
>We look forward to hearing from you.
>Best regards
>Wolfgang Stahl
John W. Valley,
Professor and Chairman phone: 608-263-5659
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics fax: 608-262-0693
Univ. of Wisconsin http://www.geology.wisc.edu/valley.html
1215 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706, USA