Sender: |
Subject: |
From: |
Date: |
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 20:01:06 BST |
Reply-To: |
Parts/Attachments: |
>>Dear list members,
>>Does anyone know of a method for measuring 15N at natural abundacne
>>precision using a continuous flow C/N analyzer connected to a isotope ratio
>>mass spectrometer (ANCA system)? There are severasl published methods
>>(including our own) for converting enriched NO3 to NH3 with Devarda's alloy,
>>diffusing it onto acidified paper, putting the paper in tin capsule and
>>burning it in the C/N analyzer. However, I do not know if this or a similar
>>procedure has ever been thouroughly evaluated for natural abundance 15N
>>I would appreciate any information on any experiences anyone has had trying
>>to use this method, or any method to analyze naural abundace 15N nitrate
>>using an ANCA system.
>>Paul D. Brooks.
>My dear friend [log in to unmask] was telling me how to do such a thing just the other day.
>I'm sure if you mail him he'll be more than glad to help you.
>>Paul D. Brooks, Spectroscopist,
>>Dept. ESPM,
>>151 Hilgard Hall,
>>UC Berkeley, Ca. 94720-3110
>>email [log in to unmask]
>>phone: (510)642-3155
>>FAX: (510)643-5098