Dear Colleagues,
At present, I am on postdoctoral fellowship at the Geoscientific Centre of
Quebec (Canada) until October 31, 1997. I am looking for another
postdoctoral fellowship. My speciality is trace elements geochemistry,
mainly Platinum Group Elements (PGE) and Gold in upper mantle. If you are
interested, please find enclosed my C.V., outlining my research interests
and publications.
I also would be very grateful if someone could provide me
information and
address of web site about metallogeny and high temperature geochemistry if
it exist.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Complexe scientifique, INRS-Georessources,
2700 Rue Einstein, C.P. 7500,
Sainte-Foy, Quebec, CANADA
G1V 4C7
Phone : (418) 650 7413
Fax : (418) 654 2625
E-mail : [log in to unmask]
1996-1997 : Postdoctoral fellow at INRS-Georessources, Geoscientific Centre
of Quebec, Canada.
* Platinum Group Elements (PGE) geochemistry
* Determination of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) and gold in
geological rocks by Inductively Coupled Plasma- Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
and interpretation of results
* Re-Os isotopic ratio measurements in geological matrices
1996 : Ph. D. Thesis in Earth Sciences, Major : Geochemistry-Petrology
(Grenoble University, France). Awarded Highest Honours and Citation by the Jury.
* Dissertation topic : Distribution, physico-chemical differentiation and
geochemical behaviour of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) and of gold in the
upper mantle during partial melting and magmatic fractionation : peridotites
and pyroxenites from Ronda (Spain) and Beni Bousera (Morocco) ultramafic
massifs and European spinel peridotite xenoliths.
* Supervisors : Dr. J. Amosse, and Prof. M. Piboule
* Laboratory : Institut Dolomieu de geologie, CNRS, Grenoble University,
1991 : M.Sc., Major in Geochemistry-Petrology (Clermont Ferrand University,
1990 : B.Sc.of Geology-biology. Major in Geology (Meknes University, Morocco).
* Distribution, geochemical and physico-chemical behaviour of Platinum Group
Elements and Gold during magmatic processes (partial melting, crystal
fractionation, sulphide segregation, metasomatism, ...).
* Geochemistry and metallogeny of Platinum Group Elements-bearing
mineralizations (sulphides, chrome spinel, ...) associated with mafic and
ultramafic intrusions.
* Mantle evolution and petrogenesis (petrology, geochemistry, metallogeny).
* Mafic and ultramafic rocks petrography, geochemistry and metallogeny.
* Geochemistry of Platinum-Group Elements (PGE), Au, Re-Os isotopes, REE,
major and trace elements in upper mantle (mafic and ultramafic rocks :
high-temperature ultramafic massifs, peridotite xenoliths, ophiolite
* PGE metallogeny
* Determination of PGE and gold in geological matrices by Inductively
Coupled Plasma-Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after separation with selenium and
tellurium carriers.
* Os-Re isotopic ratio measurements by ICP-MS (Os : OsO4 vapor generation
technique coupled with ICP-MS, Re : resin exchange procedure).
* Preparation of internal standards and calibration curves for chemical
* Samples preparation (acid dissolution, fusion,...) for major and trace
elements determination by analytical apparatus.
* Intrinsic oxygen fugacity measurements in some minerals by solid
electrolyte cells.
* Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy.
* Assistant lecturer in petrographical observations under optical microscopy
(Grenoble, France)
* Tutorial work assistant B. SC. and Master student Thesis advisor on upper
mantle geochemistry in collaboration with Dr J. Amosse and Prof. M. Piboule
* Supervising students in laboratory (Grenoble, France; CGQ, Canada)
* PGE lecturing (conference presentations)
* Arabic : Fluent
* French : Fluent
* English : Good working knowledge
Windows 95, MS Word, Excel, STATlab 2.0, Imag-In Plus, Designer, Power Point,...
GUEDDARI K. & PIBOULE M.. Des clinopyroxenites a grenat-corindon
particulieres dans le massif ultrabasique de Ronda (chaine Betique, Sud
d'Espagne). A soumettre a European Journal of Mineralogy.
Unusual corundum-bearing garnet clinopyroxenites in Ronda ultramafic massif
(Betic range, Southern Spain). To submitted in European Journal of Mineralogy.
GUEDDARI K., LA FLECHE M.R. & AMOSSE J. (1997). Extraction des Elements du
Groupe du Platine (EGP) et de l’or et determination de leurs teneurs par
ICP-MS. Rapport interne de la Commission geologique du Canada (CGC). Soumis
Platinum Group Elements (PGE) and gold chemical extraction and determination
of their contents by ICP-MS. Current research, Geological Survey of Canada
(GSC). Submitted
GUEDDARI K (1997). Contribution a l’etude de la distribution des elements du
groupe du platine (PGE) dans les xenolites de peridotite a spinelle.
Chronique de la recherche miniere, BRGM. Volume Special : The Mineralization
of Mafic-Ultramafic Environments, T. Auge (Ed.). Soumis
Contribution of platinum group elements (PGE) distribution study in spinel
peridotite xenoliths. Chronicle of Mineral Research and Exploration, BRGM.
Special Issue « The Mineralization of Mafic-Ultramafic Environments », T.
Auge (Ed.). Submitted
GUEDDARI K., AMOSSE J. & PIBOULE M., (1997). Differentiation of
platinum-group elements (PGE) and of gold in garnet- and spinel- pyroxenites
of the Ronda (Spain) and Beni Bousera (Morocco) ultramafic massifs. In :
Minerals Deposits, H. Papunen (Ed.), Balkema (Rotterdam), p. 427-430.
GUEDDARI K., (1996). Approche geochimique et physico-chimique de la
differenciation des elements du groupe du platine (PGE) et de l'or dans le
manteau superieur betico-rifain et dans les xenolites de peridotites a
spinelle sous-continentales. These de l'Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble,
320 p..
Geochemical and physico-chemical approach of platinum-group elements (PGE)
and gold differentiation in the Betico-Rifean upper mantle and continental
spinel peridotite xenoliths. Ph.D. Thesis, Joseph Fourier University,
Grenoble, France, 320 p..
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1996). Differentiation of
platinum-group elements (PGE) and of gold during partial melting of
peridotites in the lherzolitic massifs of the Betico-Rifean range (Ronda and
Beni Bousera). Chemical Geology, 134, p. 181-197.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1996). Evidence for different
geochemical behaviour of platinum group elements in upper mantle : spinel
peridotites from orogenic massifs and xenoliths. Journal of 6th V. M.
Goldschmidt Conference, Heidelberg. Cambridge publications, Volume 1(1), p.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1994). Comportement des elements du
groupe du platine (PGE) dans les ultrabasites des Beni Bousera (Rif, Maroc):
donnees preliminaires. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 318, serie II, p. 79-86.
Preliminary data on geochemical behaviour of the platinum group elements
(PGE) in ultrabasic rocks of the Beni Bousera massif (Rif, Morocco). C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 318, serie II, p. 79-86.
GUEDDARI K., (1991). Distribution et comportement geochimique des
platinoides et de l'or dans le massif ultrabasique des Beni Bousera (Maroc).
Memoire de DEA, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 75 p..
Distribution and geochemical behaviour of platinum group elements (PGE) and
gold in Beni Bousera ultramafic massif (Morocco). M.Sc. Thesis, Blaise
Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 75 p..
GUEDDARI K., AMOSSE J. & PIBOULE M., (1996). Distribution des elements du
groupe du platine (PGE) dans la lithosphere mantellique sous-continentale.
Reunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST-96), Abstract, p. 4, Orleans, France.
AMOSSE J., GUEDDARI, K., ALLIBERT, M. & PIBOULE M., (1996). Influence de fO2
sur la differenciation de Ir, Ru et Rh - Application a certaines roches
naturelles. Reunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST-96), Abstract, p. 85,
Orleans, France.
PIBOULE M. & GUEDDARI K., (1996). Les clinopyroxenites a grenat-corindon du
massif ultrabasique de Ronda (Espagne) : etude geochimique preliminaire.
Reunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST-96), Abstract, p. 80, Orleans, France.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1995). Dualite du comportement des
platinoides (PGE) dans le manteau superieur: exemple des peridotites des
massifs orogeniques et des xenolites des basaltes alcalins. Mineralogie 95,
Strasbourg, France. Beihefte zum, European Journal of Mineralogy, abstracts,
vol. 7, n 1, p. 97.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1995). Origin and geochemical
evolution of pyroxenites from Ronda and Beni Bousera ultramafic massifs:
contribution of precious metals study. 8th Meeting of the European Union of
Geosciences, Strasbourg,. Terra Nova. Abst. sup. n 1, Vol. 7, p. 296.
AMOSSE J., GUEDDARI K. & PIBOULE M, (1995). Distribution patterns and
geochemical behaviour of precious metals in peridotites of the Betic-Rif
range. 8th Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg. Terra
Nova. Abst. sup. n
1, Vol. 7, p. 304.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1994). Approche geochimique de la
distribution des metaux nobles dans les lherzolites et les pyroxenites
associees des massifs ultrabasiques betico-rifains. Reunion des Sciences de
la Terre (RST-94), Abstract, p.6, Nancy, France.
GUEDDARI K., PIBOULE M. & AMOSSE J., (1992). Comportement geochimique des
elements du groupe du platine (PGE) dans le massif ultrabasique des Beni
Bousera (Rif, Maroc). Reunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST-92), Abstract,
p. 74, Toulouse, France.
Department of Geology, Universite Joseph Fourier
Institut Dolomieu, 15 Rue M. Gignoux
38031 Grenoble Cedex, FRANCE
Phone : (33) 4 76 63 59 21 (Dr Picard)
Fax : (33) 4 76 87 82 43
E-mail : [log in to unmask]
Observatoire de Physique du Globe, URA 10 CNRS (Magmas et Volcans)
5 rue Kessler
63038 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, FRANCE
Phone : (33) 4 73 34 67 48
Fax : (33) 4 73 34 67 44
E-mail : [log in to unmask]
3) Dr Z. JOHAN
Bureau des Recherches Geologique et Miniere (BRGM)
3 Avenue C. Guillemin, Orleans-La Source
45060 Orleans Cedex 2, FRANCE
Phone : (33) 2 38 64 35 05
Fax : (33) 2 38 64 35 18
E-mail : [log in to unmask]
4) Prof M. R. LAFLECHE
Complexe Scientifique, INRS-Georessources,
2700 Rue Einstein, C.P. 7500,
Sainte-Foy, Quebec, CANADA
G1V 4C7
Phone: (418) 654 2670
Fax : (418) 654 2625
E-mail : [log in to unmask]