Hi, Michael,
Try Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. at http://www.sisweb.com.
It's in their catalogue.
On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Michael Cheatham wrote:
> Dear Readers,
> I have a couple of Alcatel rough pumps kicking around the lab. On
> one of them there is a persistant oil leak around the cork gasket. This
> pump has had numerous gasket replacements without solving the leak problem.
> The pump is otherwise is excellent condition. I'm considering an
> alternative to the cork material, and using a gasket made from a Viton
> sheet comes to mind. I can't put my hands on a catolog that lists Viton
> sheeting, might any of you know of a source?
> Mike
> ******************************************************************************
> Michael M. Cheatham
> 312 Heroy Geology Laboratory Phone (315)-443-1261
> Syracuse University Fax (315)-443-3363
> Syracuse, NY 13244
> email:[log in to unmask]
> http://www.geochemistry.syr.edu/cheatham/Cheatham.HTML
> http://www.geochemistry.syr.edu/cheatham/InstrPages.html
> ******************************************************************************A