>Three graduate research assistantships in the
> Utah State University Ecology Center
> Graduate Research Assistantship
> Ecophysiology/Ecosystem Ecology in Tierra del Fuego
> Utah State University Ecology Center
>Beginning as early as fall 1998 a graduate research assistantship will
>be available to pursue MS or PhD degrees in the Ecology Center program.
>This NSF-sponsored assistantship is part of a project examining
>ecosystem-level responses to solar ultraviolet radiation manipulations
>in southernmost Argentina (Tierra del Fuego). The project involves
>experiments testing effects on vegetation growth and morphology, plant
>pigments, epidermal characteristics, herbivory, litter decomposition,
>Sphagnum growth and microbial and microfauna community structure, and
>other responses. However, the student (especially at the Ph.D. level)
>would be encouraged to design her/his own research questions. All of
>the field work will be at a field site in Tierra del Fuego. Send a
>C.V., a statement of research interests, copies of transcripts
>(photocopies are acceptable) and names, addresses, telephone numbers,
>and e-mail addresses of three references to: Martyn Caldwell, Ecology
>Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5205. AA/EOE.
> Graduate Research Assistantships
> Ecophysiology/Ecosystem Ecology in the Great Basin
> Utah State University Ecology Center
>Beginning as early as fall 1998 two grad research assistantships will be
>available to pursue MS or PhD degrees in the Ecology Center program.
>These NSF-sponsored assistantships are part of a large interdisciplinary
>project examining temporal changes in resource availability in
>sagebrush-bunchgrass, juniper, and annual grass dominated communities in
>the Great Basin. The project involves the role of "hydraulic lift",
>root depth distributions, and soil depth in community-level gas
>exchange, water relations, stem flux, foliage area index, and nitrogen
>acquisition. However, the student (especially at the Ph.D. level) would
>be encouraged to design her/his own research questions. Most of the
>field work will be at a field site in central Utah. Natural abundance
>of stable isotopes will also be involved. (Other aspects of the project
>involve soil microbiology, soil physics, remote sensing and eddy
>covariance determinations of community gas exchange.) Send a C.V., a
>statement of research interests, copies of transcripts (photocopies are
>acceptable) and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail
>addresses of three references to: Martyn Caldwell, Ecology Center, Utah
>State University, Logan, UT 84322-5205. AA/EOE.
| Dr. Andrea Lini | Stable Isotope Laboratory |
| Department of Geology | Phone: (802) 656 02 45 |
| University of Vermont | Fax: (802) 656 00 45 |
| Burlington, VT 05405 | E-mail:[log in to unmask] |
| U.S.A. | ISOGEOCHEM list-owner |