Please help us spread the word of an open faculty position in sedimentary
geology at the University of Florida. The advertisment casts a wide net
and sediment isotope geochemists are certainly encouraged to apply.
Dave Hodell
Open Faculty Position - Sedimentary Geology
The Department of Geology invites applications for a tenure-track assistant
professor position in the general area of sedimentary geology to begin
with, or during the 1999-2000 academic year. Preference will be given to
quantitative, process-oriented scientists who will develop strong and
innovative research programs, and exhibit a strong commitment to teaching
undergraduate and graduate students. We are particularly interested in
scientists whose research investigates fundamental earth processes in a
quantitative way. Possible specialties include sedimentology; sedimentary
geochemistry, including biogeochemistry; environmental geology; seismic
stratigraphy; basin evolution, etc. In addition, consideration will be
given to those whose research complements existing research strengths of
the Department, e.g., paleoclimatology/paleoceanography, crustal
evolution/chemical geodynamics, paleomagnetism/tectonophysics, isotope
geology, and environmental geology/hydrogeology. More information on the
department is available at
Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest, including a
statement of research and teaching goals, a curriculum vitae, and the names
and addresses of three references by January 15, 1999 to:
Dr. Jonathan B. Martin ([log in to unmask])
Department of Geology, Box 112120,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-2231 / FAX (352) 392-9294
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer qualified women
and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
Jonathan B. Martin
University of Florida
Department of Geology
P.O Box 117340
Gainesville, FL 32611-7340
(352) 392-6219 (office)
(352) 392-9294 (FAX)
David Hodell
Professor of Geology
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117340
Gainesville, FL 32611-7340