The Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) announces the
availability of a 4 year PhD position. The research of the succesful
applicant is shortly described below.
Coral skeletons contain geochemical signals (stable isotopes) serving as
proxy records for environmental conditions and climatic change. A problem
in interpretation of such records is the variation in geochemical signals
within/between coral species. Recent discoveries in coral biology emphasize
the variation in the identity of the coral/algal unit as variable symbiotic
organism as source of variation. The subject of study is the relation
between stable isotope signal and coral/algal identity coupled to
microhabitat characteristics.
Applicants should have a Master's in marine biology/geology and preferably
a background in geochemistry. Those seriously interested can get
information from
Dr RPM Bak
[log in to unmask]
NIOZ, Den Burg, Texel
The Netherlands
please react directly to:
[log in to unmask]
and not to me or the net
Dr.Gerald Ganssen
email:[log in to unmask]
from November 15th 1998 to February 15th 1999 temporary address:
Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK)
P.O. Box 1344
D27733 Delmenhorst
visiting address:
Lemkuhlenbusch 4
D27753 Delmenhorst
00 49 (0) 4221 9160216
00 49 (0) 4221 9160199