University of London
(£18,789 - £31,182 inclusive)
The Department of Geology was rated as a "top ten" Geology department in
The Times Best University Guide, attained grade 4 in the 1996 RAE, and
excellence in the last TQA. Research activities support a graduate school
of ca. 90-100 students with access to in-house laboratories including :
computer workstations, structural analogue modelling, sedimentology,
palaeontology, and isotope and trace element laboratories (Isoprobe, TIMS,
Ar, ICP-AES, XRF, stable isotopes). We are seeking scientists with
promising research careers to undertake research and teaching. Important
aspects of these appointments are that applicants must be willing to
undertake research in their chosen field, to generate research funds and to
publish their scientific results. In addition applicants must participate
in teaching programmes in Geology at BSc, MSci and MSc level.
Applicants should have a track record of research in atmospheric sciences
in particular monitoring atmospheric change. The successful applicant will
be expected to undertake research in the NERC and EU supported atmospheric
laboratory focussing on the study of the concentration and isotopic
composition of atmospheric methane, and other gases.
For each lectureship applicants should demonstrate research promise in one
of the following areas:
Surface processes, landscape evolution and neotectonics: passive and active
margin evolution; exhumational histories, sediment budget and provenance
analysis; quantitative studies and the application of dating techniques.
Seismic and stratigraphic analysis: surface and subsurface analysis of the
controls on deposition, structural and stratigraphic analysis, controls on
basinal fluid flow and diagenesis.
Palaeobiology, palaeoenvironments & palaeo-oceanography: taphonomy,
palaeoecology and biodiversity, fossil indicators of global change, early
life and atmospheres, deep-sea vent faunas.
Applications are also welcomed from well qualified candidates with research
interests that would complement and strengthen other areas of research
excellence within the Geology Department.
Closing date for application is July 9th 1999. Interviews to be held in
September-October 1999 with appointment from September 2000. Application
forms and further details are available from the Personnel Office, Royal
Holloway University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX.
Telephone 01784 443030, fax 01784 473527, e-mail [log in to unmask] All
applicants will be expected to submit a 250-500 word document on their
research plans for 2000 and beyond. Please quote the appropriate reference
number. Enquiries to the Geology department should be sent to Julie Brown,
e-mail [log in to unmask]
We positively welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Dave Mattey
Geology Dept, Royal Holloway College, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX
Tel: 01784 443587 Office
443582 Secretary
443105 Isotope lab office
443637 Prism lab
443629 Optima lab
471780 FAX