Dear isogeofriends,
yes, there is still place for late registration at the 16th French Mass
Spectrometry Meeting, NANCY 6-9 SEPT 1999. So far we have 250 participants,
11 invited speakers, 36 oral communications, 103 posters, 17 exhibitors (MS
societies), 11 scientific sessions (ENVIRONMENT, ARCHAEOLOGY, GEOLOGY, WINE
SCIENCE (invited speaker from Bordeaux...), BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY....). The
official langage is French but everybody here will be happy to chat in
English with you. Besides, MS science is moving real FAST those days.
Participants will get : the conference proceedings, a CD Rom including art
picture from the "Ecole de Nancy" (Daum, Galle...), a mug. On wednesday
night, a special diner is organized in the Nancy city hall : the
participants will play games (roulette, black-jack...) to win 10 art prices
(Daum, Baccarat).
Come and enjoy food, art and tantalizing MS science in NANCY !!
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2, avenue de la Foret de Haye
F-54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, France
Phone (33) 3 83 59 58 99 (-58 45, -58 65)
Fax (33) 3 83 59 57 91
Art Nouveau lEcole de Nancy
French Mass Spectrometry Society
French Chemical Society