SIMS Research Faculty Position
The Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
and the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee Knoxville
invite applications for a joint Research Assistant Professor position
(non-tenure track) in secondary ionization mass spectrometry.
The faculty member will be expected to (1) assist in the day-to-day
operation and maintenance of the Cameca 4f ion microprobe, (2) participate
in our on-going projects and promote new collaborative research with
students, faculty, and staff at ORNL, UTK and other institutions, including
class instruction at UTK, and (3) develop their own active research program
utilizing SIMS.
In addition to the Cameca 4f ion microprobe, there is a wide array of
analytical facilities available at ORNL and UTK, including an organic
imaging SIMS and a wide-field of view SIMS, TIMS (VG 354 and home-built
tandem TIMS) and clean lab, ICP-MS, conventional and laser gas extraction
lines and 2 Finnegan MAT 252s, Cameca SX-50 electron probe, and TEM/SEM
Experience in secondary ionization, thermal, or gas source mass spectrometry
is desired, but not essential. Salary and terms of appointment are flexible
depending on experience. The position is available in mid-October;
screening of applicants will start October 1 and continue until the position
is filled. Send curriculum vita, statement of research interests and
experience, and names and addresses of at least two references to Dr. Lee
Riciputi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN
37831-6365 ([log in to unmask]). Please submit e-mail responses directly
to sender to avoid multiple postings.
UTK is an EEO/AA/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA Employer
Dr. Lee Riciputi
Oak Ridge National Lab
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6365
Phone: 423-576-4839
FAX: 423-576-8559
e-mail: [log in to unmask]