Dear Clemente,
We have had similar problems with our YAG laser doing sulphides a few years
back. Sputtering was a problem in the testing phase of the method. I
solved the problem by building a mount that slips on top of the sample which
could take a microscope cover slide. Over a thousand shots later, stll no
problem. The cover slide took the brunt of the junk, heat, etc. while
protecting the main window. Perhaps a similar mount could be made using a
smaller version of your window material (BaF2 or other) to protect the main
Gilles St-Jean
Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Sciences de la Terre / Earth Sciences
140 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5
Tel: (613) 562-5800 xt 6839 (Bureau / Office)
xt 6836 (lab)
Téléc./Fax: (613) 562-5192
Couriel / E-mail: [log in to unmask]