Hi Everyone,
We're currently extracting lignin from modern plant material for d13C
measurement. Previously, we've undertaken digestion in 72% H2SO4, followed
by sequential treatment in 2:1 benzene:ethanol (by volume), ethanol and
distilled water solutions within a Soxhlet apparatus (TAPPI, 1987).
However, I don't like using benzene and was wondering whether any users have
alternatives to suggest? Anything would be a great help.
Many thanks in advance.
Best wishes,
Dr. Chris Turney
Secretary to the INQUA Commission for Tephrochronology and Volcanism
Web page: http://www.gg.rhbnc.ac.uk/inquatephra/
Centre for Quaternary Research
Geography Department
Royal Holloway
University of London
TW20 0EX
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Tel.: 00 44 (0)1784 443563
Fax.: 00 44 (0)1784 472836
Web page: http://www.gg.rhbnc.ac.uk/turney/info/turney.html
"Dolphins, eskimos. Who cares? Its all a bunch of tree-hugging hippie
Cartman, Southpark