Dear all,
As Susan already pointed out, the communications on this issue
have taken up more time and discussion list space than the
innocently placed "job wanted" e-mail. So, apologies for chipping in
my tuppence worth.
I can appreciate the concern and feelings of unhappiness voiced by
some but I wouldn't go so far as to call such a posting outright rude
(sorry Andy). Speaking strictly for myself, I am usually more
annoyed about personal communications and messages with large
attachments posted to our discussion list, be it unintentionally or
It seems to me that complaining about a "job wanted" is a bit
petty, especially when made by members of our community who,
for all intends and purposes, have a secure and permanent position.
I am not particularly happy about that posting either but I wouldn't
come down on the poor chap like a ton of bricks. We are all in the
same boat here, although it would appear that some are rowing
while others are fishing.
Obviously, what with more and more researchers shunted into
short-term contracts and strung along on grant-maintained jobs,
there is a need for a "job wanted" list, so why not address it
sensibly? I'm sure such a list / webpage can be created quite
easily on the Isogeochem homepage and mirrored in the UK, e.g.
by Andy. While we're on the subject, why not mirror the "positions
vacant" list in the UK, too, and expand it a bit? No offence meant,
but the vacancies posted on the Isogeochem homepage are listing
a bit towards jobs in the U.S. and in Canada and might not be of
immediate interested to Europeans and Brits.
Apologies to Andrea and Andy for a suggestion that will create
more work for them but I am happy to help if I can.
Kind regards,
Dr. W. Meier-Augenstein, CChem MRSC
Senior Research Fellow
University of Dundee, Dept. of Anatomy & Physiology,
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