I think that job announcements should remain part of isogeochem (maybe not
requests for employment, but, on the other hand, why not? if they are kept
short and to the point, no attachments, with a clear job request "label" on
the subject line for others to be able to distinguish these postings
Best regards,
Gert Jaap van Klinken
Beware: Delivery address (street name) has changed!!
Dr. Gert Jaap van Klinken
14C AMS Laboratory
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
PO Box 10 01 64
07701 Jena
Delivery (larger items), and visiting address:
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena
Tel: (+49 3641) 643708/3806
Fax (+49 3641) 643710