> We buy our 0.3 mm copper wires from:
> Costech Analytical Technologies, Inc.,
> 26074 Ave. Hall, Suite 14,
> Valencia, CA 91355 USA.
> Phone: (661)297-2395, FAX (661)297-5492.
> The item is part #011030, copper wires, reduced, 0.3 mm. 250g for US$56.25.
> I usually deal directly with (he has the same first name as you) Bruno
> Lavettre who's email is <[log in to unmask]> .
I understand that a closer source to you would be Costech internatinal in
Italy. The contact is Dr. Giacomo Zito and he can be
e-mailed at [log in to unmask] Their fax number is 39 02 9232703.
> As I recall this copper was originally sold for use in Perkin Elmer C/N
> analyzers, but seems to work with no problems in the Carlo Erba type
> analyers. It seems to last much longer, presumably due to a much larger
> surface area. The only problem is that it is only sold in 250g bottles,
> and I only use about 150g to pack a tube,leaving 100g in the bottle, and
> this deteriorates if left in air. Initially I tried just replacing the cap
> on the bottle, but the copper still deteriorated in storage. Then John
> Morrison at Micromass told me the trick of sealing the top of the bottle
> with "blue tack". This is a window putty like compound that can be bought
> at stationary store, and does not go hard when exposed to air. It is used
> for holding up postcards on walls (!) amoung other uses. It appears to
> have a very good seal, so I purge the partially empty bottle with and inert
> gas like He and then seal it with the blue tack. This seems to keep the
> copper in good condition ready for the next column.
> I hope this helps,
> Paul.
> At 09:07 AM 9/28/00 +0200, you wrote:
> >Dear Paul,
> >
> >please could you provide the price and the supplier of the 0.3 mm copper
> >wires.
> >
> >Many thanks in advance
> >
> >Bruno
> >
> >P.S.: I guess that the stock value of this company will increase
> >during next time...
> >
> >Dr. Bruno Glaser
> >Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography
> >University of Bayreuth
> >D-95440 Bayreuth
> >Germany