Please bring this ad to the attention of any qualified candidates.
Professor and Head
Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
The Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS) at North
Carolina State University invites applications and nominations for the
of Professor and Head of the Department. MEAS is one of the largest
interdisciplinary earth science departments in the nation and has 32 full time
faculty and numerous visiting, adjunct and associate faculty. It offers degree
programs in environmental science, geology, marine science, meteorology and
natural resources to nearly 200 undergraduate majors, and MS and PhD
degrees in
marine, earth and atmospheric sciences to over 100 graduate students.
The Department has an active research program with annual research
around $5 million and diverse collaborations with several state and federal
agencies. MEAS shares space with programs in the College of Natural Resources
and the Water Resources Research Institute on the NC State campus in Jordan
Hall, a modern six story facility with 110,000 square feet of space. It also
has a major presence on the new Centennial Campus, a 1000-acre addition to the
NC State campus that houses both university and industrial research facilities
and offers unique opportunities for industrial-academic collaborations. MEAS
shares a building on the Centennial Campus with the National Weather Service
and houses the State Climate Office of North Carolina, a public service center
for climate-environment interactions. The Department is a key partner of the
newly formed NC State Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST) which
is located on the North Carolina coast in Morehead City. CMAST is a consortium
of research scientists and other experts >from five colleges within the
university who are developing ways to protect and preserve the North Carolina
coastal region and its water and wildlife. It is also part of the
Duke/University of North Carolina Oceanographic Consortium which operates the
R/V CAPE HATTERAS, a 135-foot oceanographic research vessel. In addition the
Department is developing a Center for the Exploration of the Dinosaurian World
in collaboration with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, and it is in the
process of the development of an Atmospheric Research Center. Finally, the
Department has extensive computational resources, including access to the NC
Supercomputer Center.
The new Head must have an earned PhD, a strong record of scholarly activity,
possess the vision and ability to take a leadership role in new directions for
the Department, and have a balanced appreciation for all areas in a
multidisciplinary department. He or she is expected to establish high
for the teaching, research and outreach programs of the Department and to
maintain a vigorous program of scholarship and professional activity. The
salary and initial package for the successful applicant will be competitive
commensurate with qualifications.
NC State is located in the state capital, Raleigh, a growing city in a
metropolitan area of over 900,000 residents. Along with the University of
Carolina in Chapel Hill and Duke University in Durham, it forms one of the
three corners of the Research Triangle Park, which is home to numerous
industrial research campuses, including the National Institute of
Health Sciences, a major Environmental Protection Agency complex, the National
Institute of Statistics, and the NC State Biotechnology Center.
William J. Showers
Dept. of Marine, Earth, & Atm Sciences
1125 Jordan Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
(919) 515-7143 - voice
(919) 915-1498 - cell
(919) 515-7802 - fax
[log in to unmask] - office email
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