Call for papers:
PATHWAYS TO CHANGE: International Conference on Transforming Math
and Science Education in the K16 Continuum
Sponsored by the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teacher
Education Collaborative (STEMTEC)
Lead Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Funded in part by the National Science Foundation/Collaboratives
for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP)
April 18-21, 2002. Doubletree Hotel, Crystal City, Arlington, VA
Tentatively cosponsored or endorsed by
American Chemical Society
American Association of Physics Teachers
American Physical Society
American Society for Microbiology
Ecological Society of America
Mathematical Association of America
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
National Science Teachers Association
SCOPE: Pathways to Change focuses on transforming college math and science
teaching for all students, and especially for the future K12 teachers who
will prepare the next generations of college students. Examples of such
changes are inquiry-based teaching, group work (cooperative learning),
alternative assessment, and the use of educational technology. Another
example is the use of peer teaching or working with younger students to
improve student learning and to stimulate thinking about teaching as a
Everyone interested in Pathways is invited to participate. The first day
(April 18) will be devoted to workshops and to business meetings for
participants in the NSF Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher
Preparation. The next two days will offer a variety of plenary sessions
and breakouts open to all participants, with workshops available on the
last morning. There will be coffee breaks and an optional banquet.
PAPERS: Proposals for symposia or panel sessions and abstracts for papers
are invited on a wide variety of topics, including:
Innovative teaching in science and math courses
Assessing student learning
Innovative programs for science and math majors
Student teaching experiences
Innovative programs for future science and math teachers
Interdisciplinary courses, programs
Professional development for college faculty
Distance learning
Educational technology
Inservice training for teachers
Research on teaching and learning
Wherever possible, presentations should model student-active teaching
methods, e.g., use group-work methods such as think-pair-share. To submit
a proposal or abstract, you MUST complete the online form at The online form includes
important information for all proposals and instruction on how to submit.
Note that copies of a video must be submitted to be considered for the
video festival.
PROCEEDINGS: Papers submitted electronically will be included in the CD
ROM proceedings. Selected papers will also be published in book form.
EXHIBITS: Companies, educational institutions and government agencies
will have the opportunity to show and discuss their educational products
and services. See the web site for details.
FOR BUDGETING PURPOSES: The conference registration fee for all
presenters and participants will be $150 (CETP participants); $250
(others) before Feb. 1, 2002. Registration after that date will include
an additional $50. The optional banquet will cost $25. Registration
includes proceedings on CD ROM, coffee breaks and all sessions, except the
workshops. The conference hotel discounted guest room rate is $119 for a
single or $129 for a double.
Symposium proposals due August 1, 2001
Abstracts Due Oct 1, 2001
Authors Notified Nov 15, 2001
Early Registration(reduced rate) Feb 1, 2002
Papers Due February 1, 2002
CETP meetings April 18, 2002
Main meeting April 19-20, 2002
Post-meeting Workshops April 21, 2002
online registration via credit card are available at
The web site also offers a form that can be printed and mailed if you
prefer to send a check.
If you have additional questions about the conference, send e-mail to
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MAILING ADDRESS: Pathways, STEMTEC/Hasbrouck, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Voice: 413-545-0453; fax: 413-545-1691