* Informal European Stable Isotope Meeting III
* CRPG - Nancy -France
* September 30/October 1
Second Update
Here is the previsional program (sept 17th) of the reunion for later this
month in Nancy. The list of oral presentation is closed but it will remain
possible to register for poster presentation or simple participation untill
the last minute. Therefore, anyone who is still interested in coming to
this meeting, but is not yet 'registered', should contact Christian
France-Lanord. People are welcome to send (or e-mail) an abstract which
will be included in a little volume prior the conference.
Room reservation is possible at Cottage Hotel (close to CRPG about 180FF/night)
Please let us know if you need a room reservation and indicate your dates
(sepember 29,30 and october 1).
Christian France-Lanord
CRPG-CNRS, BP 20, 15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54501 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, FRANCE
tel (33) 83 59 42 20 bureau / 83 59 42 32 lab
fax (33) 83 51 17 98
[log in to unmask]
CRPG - Nancy -France
September 30/October 1
Sunday 19h00-20h00
Bienvenue à Nancy - Café du Commerce - Place Stanislas
Monday 8h30
Reception and coffee
9h00 Opening
* Stanislaw Halas
Liquid-vapour fractionation in broad temperature range
* Pierre Agrinier
Monitoring isotope exchanges among coexisting phases during
equilibration experiments
* Peter Blattner
Floating oxygen isotope scales for carbonates (V-PDB),
water (V-SMOW), and silicates (NBS28) and the quartz-calcite oxygen isotope
10h20 - 10 h50 Coffee break
* Christophe Lecuyer
Deciphering "temperature" and "salinity" from biogenic
phosphates: the d18O of coexisting fishes and mammals of the Middle Miocene
sea of western France
* James R. O'Neil & M.E. Brandriss
Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Between Cultured Diatoms and Water
* William W. Hay
Interpretation of d18O of Cretaceous carbonate
* Marc Delmotte, J. Jouzel & N. Young
Water isotopes in polar snow : geographical distribution of
18O and deuterium in East Antarctica ; climatic implications
* Albert Gilg
Dating of European kaolin deposits using stable and
radiogenic isotope
13h - 14h Lunch at CNRS restaurant
14h00 Monday afternoon
* Attila Demeny, Z.D. Sharp & H.-R. Pfeiffer
Geology and genesis of
Mg-chlorite-muscovite-quartz-phyllites (proto-whiteschists) of Lower
Austroalpine nappes (W. Hungary) and their relations to Alpine
whiteschists: The role of Mg-metasomatism
* Bruno Turi
Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Granite Harbour Intrusives
* Sue Golding
Nature and source of carbonate mineralisation in Bowen
Basin coals: implications for the source of coalseam gases in eastern
Australian and other Gondwana coal basins
* Gaston Giuliani, A. cheilletz, C. France-Lanord & F. Rueda
The role of organic matter in high temperature hydrothermal
15h30 - 16h00 Coffee break
* Bernard Marty, F. Humbert & I. Tolstikin
N isotopes in the Mantle : observations and modelling
* Gretchen L. Frueh-Green & D. S. Kelley
Abiogenic methane in deep-seated mid-ocean ridge environments
* Alessio Plas
Preliminary experimental results on internal oxygen isotope
fractionation in serpentine
* Bjorn Buchardt
The Ikaite columns in Ikka Fjord in SW Greenland: Isotopic
evidence for tufa growth from submarine springs discharging a carbonatite
* Gawen Jenkin
Stable isotope and fluid inclusion evidence for Triassic
fluid mixing in Connemara, Ireland
* Eric Pili, S.M.F. Sheppard & J.M. Lardeaux
Lithospheric fluid transfer and tectonic activity: the
carbonates point of view
19h - 24h Banquet at Chateau du Charmois
8h30 - Tuesday
* Vratislav Hurai & Wiechert
Laser Microanalysis of Zircon from Anorthoclasite Xenoliths
in Pliocene Basalts
* Tomasz Durakiewicz
Electron emission stabilization by pulsed heating of filament
* Zach Sharp
The marriage of gas chromatography and lasers for stable
isotope analysis
* Douglas Rumble
In-Situ Analysis of Silicate Minerals with a UV Laser Microprobe
9h50 - 10h20 Coffee break
* Colin Graham, J. Valley & J. Eiler
Recent progress in oxygen isotope microanalysis by ion probe
* Ben Harte
SIMS studies of carbon isotope and nitrogen abundances in
natural diamonds
* Etienne Deloule & F. Robert
Origin of water in solar system
* Marc Chaussidon & F. Robert
Boron and Lithium isotopic composition of meteoritic chondrules
12h - 14h Brown bag poster session
* Rainer Abart, H. Eppel & D. Pozzorini
Constraints on fluid flow during metamorphism from stable
isotope tracers
* Kay Beets & E. Deloule
Boron isotopes and Sr/Ca in modern and fossil corals
* Stefano Bernasconi
Stable isotope and major element geochemistry of
interstitial waters from ODP Leg 161 in the Western Mediterranean
* F. Boehm, M.M. Joachimski, H. Lehnert, J. Vacelet, G. Woerheide, J.
Reitner &
W.Chr. Dullo
Long term isotope records of modern sponges: effect of
anthropogenic CO2 on surface water d13C
* Patrick Dauby
Relation PCO2-d13C eaux de surface du golfe de Gascogne
* Etienne Deloule & C. Mevel
Oxydation of the oceanic crust in a ridge hydrothermal system
* Attila Demeny, R. Casillas, A. Ahijado, T.W. Vennemann & M. Satir
A stable isotope study on the evolution of Canary Island
* Stéphane Havelange, G. Lepoint, P. Dauby & J.-M. Bouquegneau
Feeding of Sarpa salpa in a Posidonia seagrass ecosystem:
d13C evidence for a mixed die
* Franck Humbert, C. France-Lanord, G. Libourel & B. Marty
Nitrogen isotope analysis by laser extraction-static mass
* Jon Kirby, A. McCaig & S. Crowle
Charting fluid flow pathways through a mesoscale
fold-thrust system
* Masaaki Musashi
B-Cl isotope systematics observed in Ibusuki coastal
geothermal fluids, Japan
* Catherine Picon, A. Ferhi, J.-M. Guehl
Variations of water-use efficiency and carbon isotope
discrimination in response to elevated CO2 and drought in Quercus robur
* Claire Rollion-Bard, B. Marty & C. France-Lanord
Stable isotopes and rare gases in Campi Flegrei (Napoli, Italy)
* Douglas Rumble
Eclogites Depleted in 18O from the Coesite Facies, China
* Francis Saupé, A. Genkin and G.C.Amstutz
Sulfur isotope geochemistry of sulfides from the
Olimpiada and Veduga gold deposits, Siberia, Russia
* Francis Saupé, O. Kolli, B. Jacquier, A. Cheilletz and C. Marignac
Sulfur isotope geochemistry of the barite and sulfide
occurrences of greater Kabylia, N- Algeria
* Denis Shelkov
C and N isotope systematics of terrestrial diamonds
* Stéphanie Somot, C. France-Lanord & M. Pagel
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of porewaters in
uranium mill tailings
* Jorge Spangenberg & S. Macko
Geochemistry of specific bitumen compounds as tracers of
Mississippi Valley-type mineralization at San Vicente, Peru
* Jane Teranes & William Anderson
Estimating lake-water isotopic response to changing
isotopic composition of precipitation: A case study in Baldeggersee,
* Rachel Welch
Resolution of feeding strategies of marine Polychaeta using
stable isotope techniques
* Torsten W. Vennemann
Oxygen isotope geochemistry of sands and pebbles in
conglomerates: a useful provenance tool
* Bernd Wenzel
Lower Paleozoic paleoceanography and carbon cycling -
Stable isotope record and lithofacies of the Silurian Paleotethys
* Edward Young
Oxygen Isotope Ratio Analysis of Silicate and Oxide
Minerals by UV Ablation and GC-irms: Evaluation of Possibilities 15N and
13C compound specific isotope analysis
14h00 Tuesday afternoon
* Max Coleman
Cl stable isotopes in waters and pollutants - or: The
geochemical biography of a female Jurassic ammonite - to be decided by a
vote of the audience
* Stephen Macko
Assessing indigeneity of amino acids in extraterrestrial
and fossil materials using 15N and 13C compound specific isotope analysis
* V. Beaumont, M. Javoy & François Robert
15N/14N ratio in Precambrian kerogen from cherts : a record
for the evolution of life
* Thierry Bariac
Soil Water uptake by plants in different environmental
* Jean Marc Guehl, C. Picon, D. Bert & J.L.Dupouey
Carbon Isotope discrimination in forest trees in relation
to rising atmospheric CO2
* Charles Simenstad & S. Crane
Resolving Multiple Stable Isotope Sources and Pathways in
Estuarine Food Webs using Linear Algebraic Solutions
16h10 - 16h40 Coffee break
* Brian N. Popp
Carbon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Phytoplankton
* Andreas Hemmann, B. Zolitschka, J.F.W. Negendank & G.H. Schleser
d13Corg-Chronology of Holocene sediments from lake Holzmaar
* Eric Lichtfouse
Soil organic matter : new insights from molecular and 13C
* Albert Galy & C. France-Lanord
Isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in the
Himalayan river system.
* Louis Derry
Oceanic carbon isotopic gradients inferred from ancient
sediments: what they tell us about paleoenvironments