Fall97 AGU Special Session, H18 (sponsored by Hydrology, co-sponsored by Atm
and Oce)
Isotopic Indicators of Hydrologic Response to Climate Change: A Tribute to Hans
Convenors: Emi Ito, University of Minnesota; Tom W. D. Edwards, University of
Measurements of isotopic variations in surface and ground waters have been
fundamental tools in studies of modern hydrologic processes in continental
settings. These tools are being increasingly applied to geologic records of
paleohydrologic processes, such as lacustrine sediments, cave deposits,
weathering products, and biota. This approach is essential for improving our
understanding of the connections between climate variability and the evolution
of natural waters. And yet, the approach is hampered by poor calibration, i.e.,
our incomplete understanding of modern hydrologic systems and of the
environmental factors that control the isotopic composition of proxy indicators.
This session will explore the various ways in which the isotopic composition of
meteoric water plays a critical role in paleoclimate studies, and what is being
done to better calibrate the proxy records. Oral and poster presentations are
solicited on topics dealing with, but not limited to: (1) processes affecting
the isotopic compositions of meteoric water; (2) the effect of ground water -
surface water interaction on proxy records of meteoric water; (3) the effect of
evapo-transpirational recycling to the hydrologic cycle; (4) relationship
between chemistry and isotopic composition of natural lake waters; (5) the
effect of inherent environmental variability on paleoclimatic estimates; (6)
preservation of isotopic compositions of proxy indicators over long time
periods. Please send abstracts directly to AGU by email or post to arrive by
August 27, or submit directly to AGU Web Site (http://www.agu.org) by September
3, 1997, with a copy to Emi Ito, Geology and Geophysics and Limnological
research Center, University of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive, SE., Minneapolis,
MN 55455, fax (612)625-3819, email: [log in to unmask] Information on abstract
submittal can be found on the AGU Web.