Dear Adauto,
I am doing a good deal of N-isotope work as a part of my Ph.D.. I am
working on a paper right now, and have some references sitting on my desk.
Bebout, 1995, chem geol., 126:191-218
Bebout and Fogel, 1992, GCA, 56:2139-2149
Other Bebout papers in press
Boyd, 1996, Chem Geol, near the end of the year (I have a preprint).
Boyd et al., 1993, GCA, 57:1339-1347
That should get you started, there are some other references within.
I also have an abstract in this year's spring AGU abstract volume, and you
may want to look at our web page.
Hope this helps, you can feel free to contact me directly
> Dear List Members,
> Can anyone help me with references about 15N/14N data for fluid
>inclusions or NH4-bearing minerals ?
> Thanks in advance ...
> Adauto.
Seth Sadofsky
phone: (610) 868-4694
Earth & Environmental Sciences, or (610)
Lehigh University e-mail:
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31 Williams Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015 FAX (610) 758-3677