Europa Scientific US has not answered its phone for two days. Does this
mean that the company has gone under as the post below seems to suggest?
Or is their phone simply out of order? Does anyone have certain
Gregory Dolnikowski
Andrea Lini wrote:
> >It is now widely know that Europa Scientific has run into financial
> >difficulties and faces an uncertain future. Europa has played an
> >important part in the development of new instrumentation and
> >applications for stable isotopes for many years. If their contribution
> >to the field is lost then I fear that much of the momentum in new
> >applications will also be lost. In the long run it is not in the best
> >interests of the isotope community to have instrument manufacture
> >concentrated in an ever smaller number of companies.
> >
> >I am hopeful that the strenuous efforts being made by Europa staff to
> >revive the company and continue its distinctive approach will be
> >successful. It will help these efforts if users can offer as much
> >support as possible at this time.
> >
> >
> >Charlie Scrimgeour
> >[log in to unmask]
> >