Dear Colleagues,
Thanks in advance for steering any appropriate
students my way.
Gray Bebout, Lehigh University
Opportunity for Ph.D. Student to Investigate Subduction-
Zone Cycling of Volatiles. Lehigh University, USA
Funding exists for one Ph.D. student to become involved
in a field, petrologic, and geochemical-stable isotope
study of the cycling of volatiles at convergent margins.
This project is aimed at study of devolatilization and
fluid mobility in high- and ultrahigh-pressure
metamorphic suites in the Western European Alps. The
student would be involved in analyses of volatile
contents, major and trace element compositions, and
stable isotope compositions, the latter to be obtained
both in the Lehigh University Stable Isotope Chemistry
Laboratory [] and
by ion microprobe at the Pheasant Memorial Laboratory
[], Institute for
Study of the Earth's Interior, Misasa, Japan. This
research, which will involve large components of both
field work and analytical work, will primarily be aimed
at (1) reconstruction of prograde devolatilization (and
retrograde fluid-rock interactions) and resulting stable
isotope alteration, and (2) assessment of the influence
of subduction-zone metamorphic processes on global
chemical/isotopic budgets.
The successful applicant should have conducted M.S.
(Master's level or equivalent) research in some related
field and, preferably, have some experience in the
acquisition and interpretation of stable isotope data
AND/OR a solid background in metamorphic and igneous
petrology. The support package available for this
individual includes both monthly stipend and coverage of
graduate tuition for the duration of the dissertation
program. The position is available beginning in January,
2001 (in the middle of the academic year), during the
summer in 2001, or in August, 2001 (depending on the
student's schedule). To apply, and for further
information, please contact Dr. Gray E. Bebout (on
sabbatical; e-mail: [log in to unmask]
OR [log in to unmask]).
Gray E. Bebout, Visiting Research Scientist (until
January, 2001)
The Pheasant Memorial Laboratory for Geo- &
Cosmochemistry (PML)
Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior (ISEI)
Okayama University at Misasa
Tottori-ken 682-0193, JAPAN
Institute.MainTEL:+81 858 43 1215 FAX:+81 858 43 2184
Office Phone:+81 858 43 3876
Permanent Address:
Gray E. Bebout, Associate Professor
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
31 Williams Drive
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 USA
Office: 610-758-5831; Lab: 610-758-6168
FAX: 610-758-3677
Stable Isotope Chemistry Laboratory