please ignorre this message, if you are not looking for a job.
The following job offer is not in isotopes, but it involves samping for
isotopic measurements. The major required skills are experience in and
dedication to quantitative gas analysis for monitoring the atmosphere of
our planet.
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biogeochemie
For measurements of atmospheric trace gases related to the global carbon
cycle we are looking immediately for an
Experimental Scientist .
The position is for 5 years. The applicant will participate in the
building and operation of instrumentation for continental measurement
stations (tall towers - one of them in Siberia). Trace gases include
CO, CH4 and their isotopes, O2/N2 and SF6 or C2CL4. Typical techniques
GC, NDIR, flask sampling, micrometeorology. Data management, quality
and analysis are essential elements, including data transfer via
from the measurement stations to Jena. Expertise in the following areas
- GC technology
- Quantitative high precision gas analysis
- Analytical instrumentation
- Quality control of experimental data
The successful applicant should
- hold a PhD or equivalent in Physics, Physical Chemistry
or Analytical Chemistry with a proven record in
handling instrumentation
- have experience in data management and quality control
with computers
- like to travel and work in a young and energetic team
dedicated to accomplish the tasks
- have good communication skills in english.
If you are interested please contact Willi A. Brand
([log in to unmask]) or Manuel Gloor ([log in to unmask]) or
your application by email or mail to Manuel Gloor, Max-Planck-Institut
fuer Biogeochemie, Postfach 100164, D-07701 Jena, Germany.
Willi A. Brand, Stable Isotope Laboratory [log in to unmask]
Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10, 07745 Jena, Germany Tel +49-3641-643718
P.O.Box 100164, 07701 Jena, Germany Fax: +49-3641-643710