Hi Jennifer--
I have a paper in review with the journal _Estuaries_ reporting on some of
the physical and chemical water properties around the 10 Thousand Islands
in SW Florida. I have near shore Gulf of Mexico delta values if you're
interested. Let me know and I'll send you a copy of the manuscript.
At 09:48 AM 1/26/01 -0600, you wrote:
>I am looking for any literature values of del18O of both Gulf of Mexico and
>Mississippi River waters for my thesis. Could anyone point me to a
>reference? Interestingly enough, there seems to be little published
>information on this topic.
>Thanks for your time!
>Jennifer M. Smith
>Department of Oceanography - 3146
>Texas A&M University
>College Station, Texas 77843
>Phone: (979) 845-1256
>Fax: (979) 845-6331
>[log in to unmask]
Donna Marie Surge
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Michigan
425 East University
1022A CC Little Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063
Office: (734) 647-5732
Lab: (734) 763-9381
Fax: (734) 763-4690