Hi Simon,
Mr. Robert Dekner
Analytical Quality Control Services
Laboratories Seibersdorf
PO Box 100
A-1400 Vienna
tel: +43-1-2060-28226
fax: +43-1-20607-28222
eml: [log in to unmask]
has these standards (among others) which might be of interest..
302a 2H water 508.4 per mil VSMOW
302b 2H water 996.0 per mil vs VSMOW
304a 18O water 251.7 per mil vs VSMOW
304b 18O water 502.5 per mil vs VSMOW
See Europa Scientific Webpage: (Suppliers of Certified Reference Materials)
for a complete listing!
Neil S. Summer
Stable Isotope Laboratory
Department of Geology
1112 Turlington Hall,
University of Florida,
PO Box 117340
Gainesville, FL 32611-7340
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (352) 392-2296/31
FAX: (352) 392-9294