Wed, 09 Apr 1997 08:04:29 +1000
At 16:32 8/04/97 -0500, you wrote:
> Isogeochemers,
>We are developing an automatic sample carousel to replace the manual
>carbonate prep system sold by UIC for their coulometer (to do % carbonate
>So far we have obtained numbers like 99.6 +/- 0.11% for reagent grade
>CaCO3, running a sample every 5 minutes.
Okay so it can determine pure carbonate as pure carbonate but what about
mixed samples and inhomogeneous 'real' samples?
Do you have any data? I'm particularily interested in sediment with
carbonate content ranging from 10% to 75%.
> Is there anybody out there who might be interested in such a system?
>Neil S. Summer
>Stable Isotope Laboratory
>Department of Geology
>1112 Turlington Hall,
>University of Florida,
>PO Box 117340
>Gainesville, FL 32611-7340
>email: [log in to unmask]
>Phone: (352) 392-2296
>FAX: (352) 392-9294