Joe Whelan wrote:
> To all
> I disagree somewhat with this stance, if I take its meaning clearly. There
> are, of course, times when it is appropriate to respond directly to those
> posting the message. However, when it involves a request for general
> information, as is frequently the case, then I for one, enjoy following the
> course of the discussion that ensues and find it educational. Also, posting
> responses to queries to the entire list prevents redundant responses; if
> someone has already suggested a particular reference or source of a
> product, then you don't have twenty others doing it also.
> Joe
> >To All Fellow Isotopers:
> >
> >How Hard is this - trying not to send personal communication to all the
> >list members. It has been quiet annoying lately (sorry for the harsh tone
> >here). Every time when you hit the reply button, please remember to send
> >your message to the party concerned unless you believe that your message is
> >of general importance or you are posing a query to all of us. Just think
> >that sending mail to the correct person is like precisely extracting the
> >compound desired for istope ratio measurement (of course without any
> >fractionantion)
> >regards
> >
> >Ashish
> >
> >
> >*******************************************************************
> >Dr. Ashish Sinha
> >Stable Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory
> >Department of Earth Sciences
> >University of Southern California
> >Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740
> >**********************
> >Tel: 213-740-6733 (O)
> >Tel: 562-438-7145 (R)
> >Fax: 213-740-8801
> >*******************************************************************
> "Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves" - Chief Seattle
> Joseph F. Whelan
> U.S. Geological Survey
> PO Box 25046, MS 963
> Federal Center
> Denver, CO 80225
> (303) 236-7671 (off)
> (303) 236-4930 (FAX)
Joe,I agree. If it gets past the general information, then the folks
might go private, or if an argument ensues. These little caveats are,
to me, provide insight if not an education
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