The maximum temperature for the stainless steel tubes is 900'c. The higher
temperature was required with the quartz due to it's poorer conductivity.
I think that going to higher temperatures would cause problems with the top
and bottom fittings.
Can you e-mail me the problems you are having that are leading you to think
that you require higher temperatures?
Peter Stow
Andrea Lini wrote:
> To those who have a CE elemental analyzer in their lab:
> I'm trying to get my brand new NC2500 analyzer (Carlo Erba) to work
> properly. I was wondering if anybody out there knows the max T limit for
> the STAINLESS STEEL combustion tubes. In my EA the T for the SS combustion
> tube has been set to 900C during installation but I'd like to set it to
> 1020C if possible.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks & Cheers,
> Andrea
> ================================================================
> | Dr. Andrea Lini | Stable Isotope Laboratory |
> | Department of Geology | Phone: (802) 656 02 45 |
> | University of Vermont | Fax: (802) 656 00 45 |
> | Burlington, VT 05405 | E-mail:[log in to unmask] |
> | U.S.A. | ISOGEOCHEM list-owner |
> ================================================================
> ================================================================
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