Dear All
I am setting up a lab with a single irms equipped for dual inlet and
continuous flow work via an elemental analyser (Carlo Erba). My
interests are environmental samples at natural abundances.
I have been approached by a physical education student wanting to do
a metabolism study using artificially enrich sucrose (around 1% 13C).
The analyses would be of blood glucose and breath samples.
My question is, is this type of work compatible with natural
abundance work? My training in trace analysis of metals in seawater
has made me paranoid about contamination. Is there a concern here?
I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts/experiences.
Russell Frew
Dr Russell Frew [log in to unmask]
Department of Chemistry
University of Otago ph 64-3-479-7913
P.O. Box 56 fax 64-3-479-7906
Dunedin, New Zealand