I am hoping that when these texts are published it will be announced via
Pier de Groot wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTIONS to a book on stable isotope
> analytical techniques I am editing/preparing at the moment.
> Some of the subjects I want to include in my book are not yet covered.
> Since the dead-line for contributions is start of March 1999, I
> decided to sent this message to the isogeochem list, avoiding a lot of
> time loss by searching myself for a proper candidate to write on one
> (or more) of the following subjects:
> =neutron activation for SI analysis;
> =AMS techniques and the possibility of SI analysis;
> =optical methods (e.g. tunable lasers) to analyse SI;
> =chromatographic, or density methods for SI analysis;
> =TIMS technique for the stable isotopes of elements from Mg to Se
> (Be and Li are already covered by others).
> If anybody is interested to contribute to my book with one or more of
> these subjects, please contact me at: [log in to unmask]
> All manuscripts will be reviewed according to the international norms
> of quality magazines.
> Aim of this book is to present the technical side of stable isotope
> analysis. Contributions have to meet with this criterium - already a
> good amount of books already exist about theoretical matters and
> applications of stable isotopes, and there is no direct need to
> enlarge that number of books... However, nothing exists on the
> technical side yet (to my knowledge). I hope to fill in the gap with
> this work. Hopefully, the book by Jim O'Neil and Zachary Sharp will
> appear soon too, which is another book on stable isotope technical
> matters, but rather a textbook (as they explained to me), and as such
> different from my work. Hopefully we get two good books in the end....
> Agreement is reached with Elsevier to publish this book in two
> versions: a soft-bound version for students, scientist and other
> badly-paid science people, and a hard-bound version for libraries and
> the few rich among us. All contributions, finally placed in the book,
> will receive a free copy of the soft-bound version, and get reduction
> of 30% on all science books (no magazines) if ordered directly from
> Elsevier.
> Interested isotope geochemists (or other scientists, I don't want to
> discriminate) will receive further information, including an updated
> list of already agreed contributions to this book on request.
> I am looking forward for your reactions.
> Best wishes to all,
> Pier de Groot.
> **************************************************************
> Dr. P.A. de Groot
> University of the Witwatersrand
> Economic Geology Research Unit
> Department of Geology
> Private Bag 3
> 2050 Johannesburg
> South Africa
> Tel. +27 11 7162564
> Fax. +27 11 3391697
> E-mail <[log in to unmask]>
> Visit the combined HOME-PAGE of EGRU-Geology on the Internet:
> http://www.wits.ac.za/science/geology/index.htm
> **************************************************************
Dr. Greg B. Arehart
Department of Geological Sciences, MS-172
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0138
*****please note new area code*****
phone: 775-784-6470
fax: 775-784-1833
email: [log in to unmask]