Dear Friends
Given below is the invitation to discuss matters relating to Isotope
Geochemistry in a wonderful setting of SUN, SAND and SAMBA
See you there
Sundaram Iyer
University of Calgary
6th to 17th of August, in the year 2000
At Riocentro Convention Center
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
The theme: Geology and Sustainable Development: Challenges for the Third
GENERAL SYMPOSIUM 23 - Environmental Geology
23-5: Radioactive Waste Disposal in Geological Formations
Convener: Sundaram S. Iyer (Uni. Calgary, Canada)
“To bury or not to bury is not the question
The questions are: where to bury, when to bury and how to bury”
(Apologies to Hamlet and Shakespeare)
Long term disposal or isolation of radioactive waste is one of the
greatest challenges facing the scientific community in the third
millennium. Burial in chosen geological formations is the preferred
option. The papers (oral presentations and posters) to be presented in
this symposium will address the options by focussing on the scientific
basis, as well as the socio-political and economic aspects of
radioactive waste management and disposal. The scientific basis for site
selection, transport mechanisms of radionuclides, natural analogues,
performance assessment of engineering barriers and geological
repositories will be highlighted. The socio-political aspects of the
problem include public awareness and acceptance, legislation,
multi-national cooperation etc. The cost of disposal is also an
important component in the waste management program. The 31st IGC is
considered an ideal setting for the symposium as Earth Scientists (who
are expected to play a pivotal role in the disposal of radioactive
waste) from all parts of the globe will meet in Rio de Janeiro.
General Symposia
Each General Symposium will consist of one (afternoon) poster session,
followed by one session in the following morning, where up to 4 oral
specially invited presentations (30 minutes) will be given, preceded by
a short comment by the convener(s). The purpose of those presentations
is to provide a synthesis of the state of the art of specific themes and
to stimulate discussions about the symposium subject. The participation
of all authors in the discussion is highly encouraged. Each discussion,
chaired by the convener(s), aims to deal with present and future
directions of each thematic subject.
All Abstracts must reach the Organizing Committee no later than
September 1st, 1999. The Scientific Program Committee of the Congress
will review all abstracts.
Authors, whose work is accepted for presentation, will be informed by
December 31st, 1999. Only registrants to the Congress may submit
All abstracts must be in English and are limited to 250 words. They
be printed using the author-prepared, camera-ready copy, following the
Congress format. All Abstracts will be published in a series of Abstract
Volumes, and included in a CD-ROM to be distributed to all participants.
A sample of the form will be included in the Second Circular. We are
exploring the possibility of publishing full-length papers of the
Symposium 23-5 in a reputed International journal.
To receive the Second Circular send e-mail to the Organizing Committee
(E-mail: [log in to unmask]). Please visit the web-site
( For more information, including information on
other interesting Symposia for the Isotope Geochemists. If you have any
questions, comments or suggestions regarding the General Symposium 23-5
please write to me ([log in to unmask])
Hope to see you all in the City of Sun, Sand and Samba in the year 2000.