I am using some solvents to transfer an azo dye into tin cups for
elemental combustion and then ms analysis. This has proved to be
tricky as the solvent, acetone, has the effect of creeping up the
sides and over the top of the cup resulting in loss of sample.
To reduce this I have been using Chromosorb and it works to some
extent but nothing is ever perfect....
so I thought I would use the smooth wall tin cups with a flat base.
They work great and dont need any chromosorb!!
Now this is a whole bunch more tin being combusted
Does anyone have any advice or tips to improve the combustion of the
sample. I remember someone telling me that it is best to increase the
O2 time.
We are using an ANCA SL sampler converter attached to a 20-20 IRMS
Europa Scientific.
Any advice or tips are most welcome.
Andrew Johnston
Dr A.M.Johnston
Tel No: 44 1382 562731
Fax No: 44 1382 562426