>I'm using research grade oxygen 99.999% min. and the cost is geting close
>to $ 400.oo /tank on my Carlo Erba elemental analyser. Does anyone use a
>lower purity like ultra high purity 99.99 min. or is there any grades I can
>Thanks Armand Krueger
For that kind of money you should look into purchasing a gas generator. I
believe there are some companies out there that sell these.
Best wishes,
Dr. Haraldur R. Karlsson
Associate Professor of Geosciences
Department of Geosciences, and
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (joint)
Texas Tech University
Box 41053
Lubbock, TX 79409, USA
(806)-742-3130 office
(806)-742-3112 lab
(806)-742-0100 Dept. fax