A Ph.D. position is available in isotope organic geochemistry at the
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Starting date: immediately
Topic: Fate and transformation of organic compounds from diagenesis to very
low-grade metamorphism.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate changes in the molecular and
isotopic composition of organic matter during diagenesis and very low- to
low-grade metamorphism.
We plan to study the Liassic shale sequence of the Central Swiss Alps. It
will be the first study of its kind to look at combined stable
isotope/molecular diagenesis in very low-grade metamorphism, and may form
the basis of a new geothermometer for low-grade metamorphic rocks. The
project is leaded by Prof. J. Hunziker. The candidate will be supervised
mostly by Dr. J. Spangenberg.
The research project include stable isotope analysis (13C, 15N, 34S) of
bulk organic matter, compound specific 13C, 15N and 18O analysis of lipids
by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and chemical
characterization by GC/MS.
Keywords: metamorphic evolution, organic transformation, isotopic organic
geochemistry, compound specific stable isotope analyses, GC/C/IRMS, GC/MS.
Applicants should be familiar with laboratory work, and preference will be
given to those with experience in at least one of the method (dual inlet or
continuos flow) of stable isotope analyses mentioned above. The successful
applicant mast be fluent in English and should be willing to learn French.
Master degree or equivalent in Earth Sciences is required.
The position is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and
funding is available for three years, with possible extension to four. The
salary is in the range of 27,480 - 33,480 CHF per year. The Ph.D. position
involves teaching and/or research duties at the department and/or Stable
Isotopes Laboratory.
Applications must include a CV as well as the names, phone and e-mail
addresses of two referees.
For further information, please contact:
Prof. J. Hunziker
([log in to unmask])
Dr. J. Spangenberg
([log in to unmask])
Institut de minéralogie et pétrographie
BFSH2 CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel: +41-21-692 4365, 692 4300
Fax: +41-21-692 4305
Dr. Jorge E. Spangenberg
Stable Isotopes Laboratory
Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography
University of Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne
Tel +41 21 692 4365 (office) 692 4300 (secr.) 803 6242 (home)
Fax +41 21 692 4305
E mail [log in to unmask]