Dear Dr. Joachimski,
Cameron P. Wake and P.A. Mayewski at the University of New Hampshire have
published the following papers that report d18O and/or dD for snow and ice
cores from the Himalayas. Other studies deal mostly with fresh snow.
Vladimir Aizen at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has published
some data for modern precipitation and could be a good contact. His email
address is
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Mayewski, P.A., Lyons, W.B., Ahmad. N., Smith, G., and Pourchet, M. 1984.
Interpretation of the chemical and physical time series retrieved from
Sentik glacier, Ladakh Himalaya, India. Journal of Glaciology, 30, 104:
Wake, C., 1989. Geochemical investigations as a tool for determining the
spatial and seasonal variation of snow accumulation in the central
Karakoram, northern Pakistan. Annals of Glaciology, 13: 279-284.
Wake, C.P., Mayewski, P.A. and Spencer. 1990. A Review of Central Asian
Geochemical data. Annals of Glaciology, 14: 301- 306.
Wake, C.A. and Stievenard, M., 1995. The amount effect and oxygen isotope
ratios recorded in Himalayan snow. Proceedings of the IGBP-PAGES/PEPII
Nagoya (Japan) Symposium, Nov. 28-Dec.1, 1995, pp1-6.
Hope this helps
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Ajaz Karim, Ph.D.
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Ottawa, Ottawa
Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext 6639
Fax: (613) 562-5192