Date sent: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 10:33:07 -0500
Send reply to: Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
From: "David Jones, PE" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Replacement parts for VG354 inorganic mass spec
To: [log in to unmask]
> Gentlemen,
A touch offensive to the Gentlewomen, maybe? I hope the isotope
world hasn't regressed into becoming an old boys network.
> I am looking for the following control units for a VG354 magnetic sector
> mass spec:
> 1 ea. MS427 Programmable filament supply
> 1 ea. M724 Programmable deflection unit
> 1 ea. IGC 17G Ion gauge controller
> The manufacturer has not been able to help. Please let me know if you have
> any of these units as surplus or know of any source for these parts. Thanks
> for your help. You may reply via the list or directly to
> [log in to unmask]
> David Jones
> ElectriMech Corporation
Jim Gillon
Dept. of Environmental Science and Energy Research
Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot
Tel 972-8-9344227 or Fax 972-8-934 4124