PhD position at the Department of Geology/University of Erlangen (Germany)
The project will investigate the oxygen isotopic composition of biogenic apatites
mainly from the Paleozoic. The investigations are part of a larger research
project dealing with the geochemical evolution of System Earth within the time
period of the Devonian to Permian. The candidate will be involved in field work,
separation of biogenic apatites, chemical and basically stable isotope analyses
of biogenic apatites. Isotopic analyses will be performed with a infrared laser –
GC-IRMS system.
The position is financed by the German Science Foundation DFG, and funding is
currently available for 20 months (starting 01.01.2000). The maximum funding
period will be 36 month. Preference will be given to applicants familiar with
laboratory work and experience in stable isotope geochemistry. Further applicants
should be fluent in English or German. A master degree or equivalent degree in
Earth Sciences is required. Applications should include a CV and the names,
addresses as well as E-mail addresses of two referees.
For more details contact:
Dr. Michael M. Joachimski
Institut fuer Geologie und Mineralogie
Universitaet Erlangen
Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen
Voice: +49-9131-8522699 (office)
Voice: +49-9131-8529297 (lab)
Fax: +49-9131-8529295
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