I use a Wig-L-Bug; A machine dentists used to make fillings. It has a
little stainless steel capsule with a metal ball. A minute of this on dry
wood works extrememly well and the final product comes out fairly easily.
Val Barber
>Hi Isogeochemlisters:
>Relatively new to this venue...but, based on the questions i've read, i
>think my question is appropriate...
>Any advice on how to mill tree-ring wood samples to the fine-grained (<250
>microns) fraction suggested for cellulose extraction? Presently, I using a
>modified cuisinart with moderate success.
>Thanks in advance.
>Matthew Kirby
>Matthew E. Kirby
>Syracuse University
>Heroy Geology Laboratory
>Syracuse, NY 13224
>[log in to unmask]
>315 443-3828
Valerie Barber
Institute of Marine Science
O'Neill 200
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775
work phone (907) 474-7899
fax (907) 474-7204