freezing at -17°C after prefiltration 0.45 um has smallest effects. There is a
systematic work on filtation and storage of DOC done by
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Ravi Bhushan wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am planning to make DOC measurements in river water samples using
> Shimadzu TOC 5000A analyser. One of the basic problems we are facing is
> storage of samples. Can anybody suggest the standard protocol for storage
> of river water samples for DOC measurement.
> Thanks
> Ravi
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> * RAVI BHUSHAN ** Tel(O): 91-79-6302129 Ext:4047 *
> * OCEANOGRAPHY & CLIMATE STUDIES AREA ** E-mail: [log in to unmask] *
> * PHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY ** Fax : (91)-(0)79-6301502 *
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