In answer to Jonathan:
Thanks for your advice about clearance of limnic crustacean digestive
tracts. Only a question: do you think that these times are also suitable
for marine species? , and what should be the effect of temperature
(tropical vs polar species) on egestion rates? If you have references on
that topic, please let me know.
Regarding the possible bacterial shift (if any), I don't have any idea
about it. It was just a question
Patrick DAUBY
Universite de Liege
Laboratoire d'Oceanologie
Unite de Recherche en Biogeochimie des Isotopes Stables (URBIS)
B6 Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liege, Belgium
Phone: +32.4.3663322 - 3663307
Fax: +32.4.3663325