Hi listmembers,
This is not a directly related isotope question but there
may be someone out there who may be able to help -
especially the UK contingent.
Does anyone have a manual for a Centra 7R refrigerated
centrifuge that I can borrow or photocopy please. I have
attempted to get in contact with the company (Damon/IEC) on
their UK telephone number circa 1984 (0(1)592 604689) but
this is not recognised. British telecomm can't help!
The address I have, which is now probably as useless as the
telephone number is:
Damon/IEC UK, Lawrence Way, Brewers Hill Rd. Dunstable ,
Thanking you in advance
Paul Kennedy
Stable Isotope Laboratory
Marine Science Laboratories
University of Wales - Bangor
Menai Bridge
Anglesey LL59 5EY
email [log in to unmask]
Tel + 44 (0)1248 351151 exn 2847
Fax + 44 (0)1248 716367