Dear listmembers,
Please find enclosed a MS Word file (v.6.0) containing roughly 70 mixtures
that yield temperatures ranging from 13C to -160C. If you should use any
of these mixtures please make sure that you read about the health hazard of
each solvent (some of them are quite nasty). I recommend using a fume hood
when you prepare your mixture.
Haraldur R. Karlsson
Dr. Haraldur R. Karlsson
Associate Professor
Department of Geosciences
and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Joint)
Mailing Address:
Department of Geosciences
Box 1053,Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
Phones - (806)-742-3130 Office
(806)-742-3112 Stable Isotope Laboratory
Fax - (806)-742-0100