Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Gawen Jenkin <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 17:44:21 +0000
text/plain (49 lines)

Intermediate Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists by RBG
Williams (1986) published by Macmillan. (chap 30)

This and the previous book "Introduction to  . . " are great as the
notation is the same throughout, and you can work your way up from the
basics (mean, standard deviation etc) to the complex things you want to do.

Good luck!
>Dear all
>I'm thinking of trying Partial least sqaures (PLS) analysis on my
>isotopic and geochemical data. Not being a statistician (I can
>barely spell the word) my mind went AAAARRRGHH!!! when I found a
>brief reference to the equation in a stats book. Could anyone
>recommend a good read where this technique is concerned ie "advanced
>stats for complete idiots."  The only other alternative is to go and
>talk to the stats dept and the're creatures from another planet (well
>they certainly talk a different language).
>Bob Brown
>Fossil Fuels and Environmental Geochemistry
>The Drummond Building
>The University of Newcastle-upon-tyne
>NE1 7RU
>Great Britain
>Tel: 0191 222 6000/8385
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]

   Dr. Gawen R.T. Jenkin                  e-mail: [log in to unmask]
   Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow
   Department of Geology & Geophysics
   University of Edinburgh
   West Mains Road                        'phone: +44 (0131) 6 505885 (direct)
   Edinburgh                                 fax: +44 (0131) 6 683184
   EH9 3JW
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