Fri, 21 Feb 1997 10:34:40 +0100
Dear Albert, dear listmembers,
the IAEA/WMO database 'Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation' (GNIP)
includes dD, d18O and tritium data from several hundred stations worldwide
and can be accessed via ftp or www:
You will also find data of several coastal stations in Chile (for example
Temuco 38.46 S and Puerto Montt 41.47 S near Valdivia). All data can be
retrieved as ASCII or Lotus files.
Best regards
Manfred Groening
Manfred Groening
Isotope Hydrology Section
International Atomic Energy Agency
P.O.Box 100
A-1400 Vienna
Phone: ++43-1-206021740
Fax: ++43-1-20607
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From: isogeochem
To: isogeochem
Subject: Meteoric waters S-Chile
Date: Friday, February 21, 1997 9:13AM
Dear listmembers,
Does anybody know any published dD or d18O values of meteoric waters in the
Coastal Cordillera of Southern Chile (near Valdivia, ca. 39 S) ?
Thanks in advance,
Albert Gilg
H. Albert Gilg
Lehrstuhl fuer Angewandte Mineralogie und Geochemie
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Lichtenbergstr. 4
D-85747 GARCHING - Germany
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