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School Information Technology Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 13:00:16 -0500
School Information Technology Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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Michael Carper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
On 3 Apr 02, at 9:24, Doug Reaves wrote:
        Has anyone on the list used  oe had contact with "eTrust" from
Computer Assc.?  If so, what are your feelings about the product?

        Thank you.

        Michael Carper
         MT. Abraham Union HS
        Brsitol, VT

> Hello,
> We have decided to implement URL filtering here at BFA in Fairfax. We have
> decided to do this partly to comply with CIPA since we receive some e-rate
> funds (I have also heard that all federal funds may depend on URL filtering
> being implemented, though I am not certain about this.) and partly to gain
> more control over what happens over our Internet connection. We would like
> to have more control over chat, streaming media, mp3 files, etc. I know that
> some schools have a more laissez faire attitude about the acitivity that
> occurs over their Internet connection than others. We have decided that,
> because of the large expense involved in maintaining a reasonably responsive
> connection to the Internet, it is important to limit our Internet activity
> to what is vital to our curriculum. To us this means mostly the research
> component of the Internet.
> I have looked at several options including N2H2's BESS, iPrism, CyberPatrol,
> and BorderPatrol w/CyberPatrol. The solution that has caught my interest the
> most is a firewall product called WatchGuard. It proxies (as well as filters
> packets), so it can control chat, streaming media, and napster-like programs
> including morpheus. It comes with a URL blocker called Web Blocker that I
> believe uses the CyberPatrol database. It is supposed to have a GUI that
> allows fairly easy configuration of proxies.
> Does anyone have any experience with this product or have any knowledge of
> its pros and cons? I would also be interested in hearing about other
> products that you have found useful for controlling the activity over your
> Internet connection.
> Thanks,
> Doug Reaves
> Bellows Free Academy
> 75 Hunt Street
> Fairfax, VT  05454
> 802-849-6711