I have course on tuesdays from 6 to 9 and cant come. Sorry about that.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:42:41 -0400
Von: "Elizabeth Faye. Batsford" <[log in to unmask]>
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: Meeting
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm really sorry, I completely forgot that there is a free 2 be
> meeting on mondays at 8. So I am going to move our meeting to this
> Tuesday the 24th at 8pm. I know ASL has a meetingat 7:30 and that's a
> lot of meeting but ours will be fun and short and I'm baking you
> cookies :)
> Liz
> --
> Liz Batsford
> L/L Center
> Burlington, VT
> cell-802-318-0153
> ~Hate the sin, love the sinner~Ghandi
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