August 2011


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"Andrew Dougherty (SGA- Finance)" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Accounting Club <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:52:48 -0400
text/plain (2129 bytes) , VT Poster ACT Trip.pdf (296 kB)
From Alex Viadero Lopez

Hello Accountants First years, and students interested in Accounting,

Welcome back to UVM to begin your Fall Semester 2011. My name is Alex 
Viadero-Lopez, Vice President of the UVM Accounting Club. On be half of the 
Accounting Club I would like to invite everyone to join us for the first Vermont 
UVM Accounting Club Trip, Friday September 9th from 6:30am-3pm.

On this trip we will be visiting to well established financial firms National Life 
Group in Montpelier VT and Gallagher Flynn and Company located in South 
Burlington VT. Both firms have been kind enough to allow us to visit us and 
food will be provided at both firms. This trip will require BUSINESS FORMAL 
ATTIRE if you have any questions on this attire both guys or girls please do 
not hesitate to in contact me.

We will be meeting between 6am-6:30am on the Kalkin 1st floor across from 
Kalkin classroom 110 and leaving at 6:30am sharp to start the trip. We have 
transportation arranged but I am also asking those on this listserv who have 
cars please contact me directly just in case we need some extra help with 

This trip will have two goals. For first years and sophomores the goal is to help 
them  find out more about the accounting field and to see if it interests 
them.   As for juniors and seniors the goal of the trip is to help  find out about 
potential accounting internships in Vermont and speak to recruiters first hand 
in what they look for in the candidates they select to become interns.

For those who need help with resume and cover letter please contact Sue 
Scholm at the business school and make an appointment or stop by during her 
office hours. She can be contacted directly at [log in to unmask]

Finally there is a small fee  of $10.00 to help cover transportation costs.

To reserve a spot for the trip please  email me at [log in to unmask] 
with your full name and year or call me at 781-296-0638. The Deadline for 
making reservation is September 7th 2011.

Good to hear from you all and cannot wait to see you all on the trip,

Alex Viadero Lopez