August 2009


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Daniel Joseph Siger <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Catayak Kayak and Canoe Club <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Aug 2009 18:08:30 -0400
text/plain (30 lines)
Hey there Guys!!!

It's great to hear from you all, and It will be even better to get to  
see you soon. We are sure In for a TON of paddling this fall. As a  
matter of fact it has already started. The folks on the ottowa river  
trip just got back yesterday and it sounds like it was incredible.  
Today a number of us went down to Chase Mills to mess around, and  
tomorrow there should be another local trip heading out if anyone is  
interested. Our next club trip will be this weekend, we're gonna head  
over to NY for the most awkwardly named kayak event around,  
Beaverfest. It is a class III-V once annual release, and a whole lotta  
fun. Even If you are not going to run it, you are more than welcome to  
come along just to have a good time and watch. SO, if anyone is  
interested, let me hear it and we will get the final roster set. Our  
first actual meeting of the year will take place during the second  
week of school.

See you all soon!!!!!!!


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replying. If an email does not need to be read by all of the  
subscribers, please send it directly. Replying to any email received  
from the listserv will send it back to everyone. Also, these emails  
are public and read by a broad range of UVM community members. Please  
be mindful of what you say.